Beitza 21a.
1- A synopsis- We have been studying for a few weeks now the general consensus that all ‘נדרים ונדבות’ [Korbonos that are not obligatory but are ‘freely donated’] cannot be shechted and placed on the Mizbeach on Yom Tov.
Briefly, the reason to allow:
Shalmei Nedava are partly eaten by both the Kohanim and the owners. Cooking for this purpose should be permitted on Yom Tov, as the tzorech ochel nefesh is clearly present.
The reason to prohibit:
Part of the korban is partly consumed by the Mizbeach. That is not considesred ‘לכם’ and therefore cannot be brought on Yom Tov.
Our Gemara presents a final reason: משולחן גבוה קא זכו.
Meaning it’s not that the mizbeach and the Kohanim-owners ‘share’ the meat of the Korbon. Rather, the part not consumed upon the Mizbeach is granted to the Kohanim and the owners from on High.
Thus the primary intent in the Shechita and burning on the Mizbeach is not for humans. It is for the Mizbeach. Only afterwards, the Mizbeach ‘gifts‘ part of the Korbon to the Kohanim and the owners. It is therefore prohibited to be brought on Yom Tov.
On the other hand, Shalmei Chagiga, where even Beis Shammai permit its bringing on Yom Tov is because the Torah specifically instructs a person to bring this Korbon for him to have meat to be eaten on Yom Tov.
3- We mentioned a ‘Polisher Torah’….
Why does the Gemara discuss [pros and cons above] only of the scenario of ‘nedorim unedovos’ and come to the final answer of ‘משולחן גבוה קא זכו’? What about the שתי הלחם? These loaves must baked before Yom Tov despite the fact that no part of them are ever placed on the Mizbeach. See here last week’s shiur.
Since these breads are eaten entirely by the Kohanim, why can’t they be baked on Yom Tov? The answer is, as above, ‘משולחן גבוה קא זכו’. But why does not the Gemara discuss it?
So the Avnei Nezer answers that all the Kohanim had to share these two loaves and the Gemara says in that due to the large number of kohanim, each received a piece smaller than a ke’zaiyis’.
Now the Torah permits to cook on Yom Tov for the purpose of eating. (אך אשר ייאכל לכל נפש הוא לבדו ייעשה לכם . ” (שמות יב,טז “. By definition ‘eating’ means a Ke’zayis or more. Therefore the baking of the Shtei Halechem bread does not constitute ‘eating’ because of the small amount each Kohen receives!
3- Our Gemara relates the story of Rav Huna who when asked a question on Yom Tov responded in a perplexing manner by saying “ravens fly”.
We mentioned the Chasam Sofer’s explanation based on the the nature of a raven. Its color is black and is cruel to his children. The Gemara says that one who wants to succeed in his learning needs to be ‘like a raven’. ‘Blacken himself’, meaning to study diligently to the point of becoming ‘black with toil’. Also meaning that he needs to be ‘forget’ to his body, family and physical needs.
Rav Huna meant to say that he has been teaching from morning to afternoon on Tom Tov. It is now after Chatzos and he needs to begin seudas and simchas Yom Tov. So he says: No more questions, “ravens fly” – the time for ‘ravens’ (studying) has flown…… time to eat and feast on Yom Tov….