Shiur 04/04/17 Beitza 20a-b

Beitza 20 a-b.

1- We went over the story of Hillel who brought his Olah to the Beis Hamikdosh on Yom Tov. He was confronted by the students of Shamai.


Image result for student confrontation beit hamikdash
Students of Shammai confronting

A discussion ensued and the rest is history… The Halacha was finally established like Hillel. One may bring the Olas Chagiga on Yom Tov which is completely consumed on the  Mizbeach, despite its having no other – מלאכת אוכל נפש – permissible use, such as eating of its meat.

The Gemara continues and relates another story, this time with an individual student of Beis Hillel bringing his Olah, yet again being confronted by a student of Beis Shamai, with the student of Hillel rebuking him. This story is perplexing: Was not the Halacha established in accordance with Beis Hillel?

Image result for korech
One Hillel sandwich, hold the tomatoes, to go

2- The Rebbe’s point is that despite the first story of Hillel and the acceptance by all of his opinion,  the custom was to not bring the Korban on Yom Tov. 

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This student’s action was the exception to the  normal custom.

3- The reason being that Shavuos is a Yom Tov that emphasizes the ‘Lachem’ – a must to eat and drink. As opposed to other Yamim Tovim that according to some opinions the the Lachem portion is optional.

(On the idea of what “lachem” means prctically

see תקכט דיני שמחת יום טוב ס”י)

To underscore the importance of ‘Lachem’ – Yidishkeit that encompasses gashmius as a fundamental basis of life:  Only karbanos which were eaten (e.g. Shlomim) were brought, even according to Hillel. As a result of this custom on Shavuos, all other Yomim Tovim followed not to bring the non-eaten Olah.

Image result for devash half and half

4- The Rebbe concludes that this is the source of the Alter Rebbe in Shulchan Aruch where he writes that ‘most Jews followed Beis  Shamai’.

5 – We spoke about the first story where Hillel tells the Shamai students that the animal he brought was a female when in fact it was a male.

A shepherd dresses one of his sheep in a Colombia national soccer team jersey before a Colombia vs. Brazil soccer sheep match in Nobsa, Colombia, Sunday, June 1, 2014. The match was part of the International Poncho Day, celebrated every year in this region of central Colombian where local craftsmen make sheep wool ponchos using ancestral techniques. (AP Photo/Javier Galeano)
מה טיבה של בהמה זו?

We read the text of the  the Alter Rebbe’s ruling that changing the truth is only permitted when relating a story of the past.  Discussed how this jives with our story.

6- We spoke about the Rebbe’s notes on the Haggadah regarding the status of the Yam Suf during its parting. Was the ground dry or semi dry?

See here at length.



One thought on “Shiur 04/04/17 Beitza 20a-b”

  1. In paragraph 1 you refer to ‘Olas Chagiga’. That should say ‘Olas Re’iya’ (or however you want to spell it).

    The Chagigah is the Shlomim.

    Mendel Nemanov

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