Shiur 02/21/2017 – Beitzah 18a-b.

Beitzah 18a-b.

1- This week we continued with the reasons as to why one may not immerse Kelim in a Mikvah on Shabbos and Yom Tov.


Image result for ‫מקוה כלים‬‎

2- The Gemara states four different reasons for the prohibition:

  • a) One might carrythe Kelim four Amos in Reshus ha’Rabim on Shabbos (Rabah – famous גזירה דרבה – below);

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  • b)-One might squeeze (Sechitah)the water out of clothing that required immersion (Rav Yosef);
  • c) one might delay (Shema Yeshaheh) immersing his Kelim until Yom Tov and then forget and use them for Terumah (Rav Bivi);
  • d) It appears that he is repairinga utensil (Nir’eh k’Metaken Kli  נראה כמתקן)  when he immerses it (Rava)

Image result for fixing a pot

3- The Gemara tackles reason ‘D’. If toivling keilim is Nir’eh k’Metaken Kli – נראה כמתקן  כלי  then a person should also not be allowed to use a mikva for the same reason?

The Gemara explains that when a person uses a mikvah it can viewed that he is not going for the purposes of tevila but to cool off.

It continues to explain this even if the water is cold, not clean and in the winter!

We discussed if the above can be understood even in a modern society.

4- We discussed the wide ranging opinions about using a hot mikvah on Shabbos and Yom Tov.

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5- We read the text of the Alter Rebbe regarding the toivling of keilim  where he brings down the machlokes if tevilas keilim is min haTorah or mide’Rabonon – טבילת כלים מן התורה, או מדרבנן.

The bottom line is that one should not toivel keilim on Shabbos. He suggests ways on how to get around this prohibition. One is use the kelim by gifting it first to a goy and then borrowing it back.

Image result for gift to a non jew

On Yom Tov it is permitted if he could not do it before Yom Tov.

6- We mentioned the פרי מגדים – Pri Megadim’s opinion that if one has only one becher for the arba koisos on Pesach but has not toilveled it (assuming he was able to do so before Yom Tov) he may not use it even it it means that he will not drink the wine.

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