Shiur 02/14/2017 Beitza 18a

Beitzah 18a.

1- The Mishnah (17b) states that both Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel agree that one may not immerse Kelim in a Mikvah on Yom Tov.

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The Gemara records four different reasons for the prohibition:

  • a) One might carry the Kelim four Amos in Reshus ha’Rabim on Shabbos (Rabah – famous גזירה דרבה – below);
  • b)-One might squeeze (Sechitah) the water out of clothing that required immersion (Rav Yosef);

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  • c) one might delay (Shema Yeshaheh) immersing his Kelim until Yom Tov and then forget and use them for Terumah (Rav Bivi);
  • d) It appears that he is repairing a utensil (Nir’eh k’Metaken Kli  נראה כמתקן)  when he immerses it (Rava).

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We covered this week the Gemara’s questions to Rabah’s reason from a number of Beraisos

Rabah’s reason is a gezeira. This is the famed gezeira d’Rabbah that applies to Shofar, Lulav and Megillah. Namely, allowing these things on Shabbos may lead to one carrying the item four amos in a reshus  harabim on Shabbos –  שמא יעבירנו ד״א ברה״ר

So this gezeira applies also on tevilas keilim on Shabbos. We do not allow to toivel keilim on Shabbos least one carry them in a reshus horabim. 

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2- Rabah’s student Abaye repeatedly questioned Rabah’s reasoning.

Why can’t we toivel keilim on Yom Tov when carrying in a reshus horabim is permissible? Rabah’s response: it is because of a gezeira for Yom Tov because of Shabbos.

We discussed as to why this is not a gezeira lig’zeira.

2- The Gemara continues with more questions on Rabbah’s reasoning. One is from the Beraisa that states that a woman that has only one set of clothing and wants to purify herself and her garments; being that toivling garments is prohibited on Yom Tov , as above,  she can immerse herself while wearing the garments. The tevila will be effective for herself and her clothing.

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The Gemara’s question is why is this allowed? The gezeira of not toivling keilim should be universal lest – אטו – one may toivel the garments independently.

3- We discussed the famous query as to when does one becomes tahor when toiveling in a Mikva. While under water or only once he  exits?

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The Kesef Mishna’s opinion is that it occurs only upon exiting the water.

4- Let’s consider  the case of a person toivling in a Mikvah that has exactly 40 seah –  מ’ סאה – (the absolute minimum amount for a kosher Mikvah). When he exits the Mikvah he is considered tahor despite the fact that the few drops of water on him reduces the 40 seah and so the Mikvah is no longer Kosher.

But he is tahor nevertheless. Why?  Upon his exit, the Mikva was no longer Kosher. According to the Kesef Mishna, one becomes tohor only upon exiting – then this fellow exited a posul Mikva!

It is repeated that Reb Chaim of Brisk once explained that exiting a Mikva occurs not only when one actually exist the water but also when the Mikva exits him!

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5- Last week we spoke whether guests need to make their own eiruv tavshilin. If they eat on their own then they surely need to in order to cook and light candles.

The question is if they will be eating at the table of their hosts.

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See here an article by Rabbi Berel Levin on the opinion of the Alter Rebbe.

6- Another addition to last week. A grandson of Reb Akiva Eiger was a renowned mathematician and chess player by the name of Jakob Rosanes. See here and here.

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