The Aleppo Codex
Thanks to Eli Chitrik.
The topic of the Shiur is truly intriguing. We just touched the surface, Bli neder we will continue discussing it at a future date.
As you can see from the recent (June 2014) Tablet article (link below) it is a ongoing saga, right here in Brooklyn, on Ocean Parkway!
See the Rambam discussing the Sefer edited by Ben Asher.
Here is some reading material.
1. A synopsis.
2. The Aleppo Codex introduction page from the Aleppo Codex org.:
3. A great NY Times article, full of interesting facts, including Ben-Asher, Ben-Tzvi (who traveled to Aleppo first in 1935 attempting to being the Codex to Israel), Friedman’s book and more:
Even Edmund Safra a”h got dragged into it…
Go to the NY Times article to see the above map in interactive format.
4. Matti Friedman’s book:
President of Israel, Yitzchak Ben-Zvi (Yitzchak Shimshelevitch from Poltava)
A fragment…
5. Latest article from Friedman in Tablet:
Where in the world is the rest of it?
6. Here is a very concise and interesting history of the Tosfos era / and Crusades 1-3, by Rabbi Wein, covering the exact period in Jewish History presented at the Shiur, and the story how they almost crucified Rabbeinu Tam: