The Aleppo Codex Shiur 8/5/14 – Tisha’a B’Av

The Aleppo Codex

Thanks to Eli Chitrik.

The topic of the Shiur is truly intriguing. We just touched the surface, Bli neder we will continue discussing it at a future date.

As you can see from the recent (June 2014) Tablet article (link below) it is a ongoing saga, right here in Brooklyn, on Ocean Parkway!

21693500_600.jpg (600×600)See the Rambam discussing the Sefer edited by Ben Asher.

 Here is some reading material.

1. A synopsis.

2. The Aleppo Codex introduction page from the Aleppo Codex org.:

3. A great NY Times article, full of interesting facts, including Ben-Asher, Ben-Tzvi (who traveled to Aleppo first in 1935 attempting to being the Codex to Israel), Friedman’s book and more:

Even Edmund Safra a”h got dragged into it…

The New York Times
July 29, 2012
The Route the Codex took.
Copyright 2012 The New York Times Company

Go to the NY Times article to see the above map in interactive format.

4. Matti Friedman’s book:

President of Israel, Yitzchak Ben-Zvi  (Yitzchak Shimshelevitch from Poltava) 

A fragment…

5. Latest article from Friedman in Tablet:

Where in the world is the rest of it?

6. Here is a very concise and interesting history of the Tosfos era / and Crusades 1-3, by Rabbi Wein, covering the exact period in Jewish History presented at the Shiur, and the story how they almost crucified Rabbeinu Tam:

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