Shiur Shkolim 12b-13a 16 Menachem Av, 5784 – 8/21/24


Shkolim -12b -13a

Menachem Av 16, 5784. 08/21/2024

Short notes.


1- As mentioned in the previous shiurim, Daf 12-13 deal with difficult קדשים concepts. We therefore broke up the topics and are discussing just a few lines every week.

We tackled another topic and skipped ahead for the second half of the Shiur (to Daf 13a) with the intention to go back BL”N  and complete what we skipped.

2- The topic this week: When a person is מקדיש an animal, it needs to be the ‘right’ type of animal.

Meaning that it needs to be, to start, the right gender for that particular קרבן that he is מקדיש. The animal also needs to be the right age. It cannot be a בעל מום.

File:Skudden Paar.jpg

Male and Female

Now an עולה and also a קרבן פסח and an אשם can be be (only) a זכר.

What if one is מקדיש a נקבה for and עולה, פסח or an אשם?

Does it become קודש at all, and if yes, what level of קדושה does it have?

Holy Sheep #3 | Men's Zip-Up Hoody ...

If it becomes קדוש at the top level, קדושת הגוף, then it follows that it can also trigger a תמורה. (A replacement).

We discussed the four opinions and their reasons.

Here is the chart we followed.

3- We jumped ahead to הלכה ה that discusses the ‘upper hand’ of הקדש. Inflation and deflation always works in the favor of הקדש.

The house always wins

4- Began פרק ה.

The Mishna enumerates the 15 ‘managers’ of the various jobs associated with the day to day administration of the בית המקדש.

(א) משנה: אֵילּוּ הֵן הַמְמוּנִּין שֶׁהָיוּ בַּמִּקְדָּשׁ. יוֹחָנָן בֶּן פִּינְחָס עַל הַחוֹתָמוֹת. אֲחִייָה עַל הַנְּסָכִים. מַתְיָה בֶּן שְׁמוּאֵל עַל הַפְּייָסוֹת. פְּתַחְיָה עַל הַקִּינִּים פְּתַחְיָה זֶה מָרְדְּכָי. וְלָמָּה נִקְרָא שְׁמוֹ פְּתַחְיָה שֶׁהָיָה פּוֹתֵחַ בִּדְבָרִים וְדוֹרְשָׁן וְיוֹדֵעַ בְּשִבְעִים לָשׁוֹן. בֶּן אֲחִייָה עַל חוֹלֵי מֵעַיִם. נְחוּנְייָה חוֹפֵר שִׁיחִין. גְּבִינֵי כָרוֹז. בֶּן גֶּבֶר עַל נְעִילַת שְׁעָרִים. בֶּן בֵּבָי מְמוּנֶּה עַל הַפָּקִיעַ. בֶּן אַרְזָה עַל הַצִּלְצָל. הוּגְדַּס בֶּן לֵוִי עַל הַשִּׁיר. בֵּית גַּרְמוּ עַל מַעֲשֵׂה לֶחֶם הַפָּנִים. בֵּית אַבְטִינָס עַל מַעֲשֵׂה הַקְּטֹרֶת. אֶלְעָזָר עַל הפָּרוֹכוֹת וּפִנְחָס הַמַּלְבִּישׁ.

MISHNAH: These are the appointees who were in the Sanctuary

1: Joḥanan ben Phineas of the seals

2, Aḥiyya of the libations,

3-Masyo ben Samuel of the lotteries

3, Petaḥiah of the nests

Petaḥiah is Mordecai. Why was he called Petaḥiah? For he had original ideasWho Was Mordecai? - 14 Facts About a Hero of the Biblical Book of Esther -

and explained them, and he knew seventy languages

5-.Ben Aḥiyyah for indigestion;

6- Onias the digger of ditches,

7- Gabinius the announcer,

8- Ben Gever for locking the doors,

9 -Ben Bevai for the wicks.

10- Ben Arza for the cymbals,

11-Hugdas ben Levi for the songs.

12- The family Garmu for the Le’chem HaPonim,

13- The family Avtinos for producing the incense.

14- Eleazar for the Poro’ches,

15 -and Phineas the clothier.


5- Were all the above צדיקים?

Some say not necessarily. The גמרא in יומא לח, ב  says the reason we mention their names is to know what not to name our children!

Dont Name Them

There is much to discuss and BL”N will continue next week.

6- Speaking of names not to be used, we mentioned the famous ‘vort’ from Reb Yonason Eybeschutz on רבי ישמעאל אומר.

See here in Hebrew.

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