Shiur 9 Av, Noda’ B’YEhudas Eulogy of the Queen- 8/13/24


ט’ מנחם אב תשפ”ד


Some short notes and links on the special Shiur. 

noda b'yehuda yechezkel landau.pptx

R’ Yechezkiel Landau, – נודע ביהודה

Attempting to understand the eulogy of the Noda BiYehuda, Reb Yechezkel Landau of Prague upon the passing of Maria Theresa who was a cruel anti-Semite. 

She was known for her hatred of Jews. In December 1744 anti-Jewish state policy reached its peak and she ordered the expulsion of Prague’s Jews.

Yet, a cursory reading of the eulogy seems to be describing a great צדקת!

Maria Theresa | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia

‘A wonderful, kindhearted, generous, amazing woman’

It is indeed perplexing on the seeming unbound adoration about MT’s ‘kindness and generosity’. 

Comparing her to יעקב אבינו on whom it says יעקב אבינו לא מת !!! 

Here is the pamphlet in Hebrew that was published in German as well. 

See here an auction of the original pamphlet of the eulogy. 

The antisemitism of Maria Theresa. 

” the most anti-Jewish monarch of her day. “

The expulsion of the Jews from Prague and Bohemia in 1744. 

Deportation of Jews from Prague | Holocaust Encyclopedia

Another expulsion of the Jews of Prague November, 1941

Jewish History of Prague

See here a great article about this tragic event, including a photo of the commemorative medal minted to memorialize the expulsion and retraction.


So what prompted Reb Yechezkel Landau to deliver such a passionate הספד? 

Did he have a choice in the matter? 

Was it for it to reach the ears of the new King? שתדלנות, Perhaps. 

From this  article:

Royals in History: Joseph II Of Habsburg: An Enlightened Emperor (1741-1790)

Joseph II, Maria Theresa’s son and Successor

“He ordered the abolition of serfdom; by the Edict of Toleration he established religious equality before the law, and he granted freedom of the press. The emancipation of the Jews within a short time endowed cultural life with new vitality.”

We concluded with the amazing חתם סופר that giving respect to the government that we live in is as important as putting on Tefillin!

על שגב קדושתו וגדולתו בתורה של מרנא ה'חתם סופר' זי"ע | דבריהם זכרונם

Chasam Sofer, R Moshe Schreiber


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