Shiur Shkolim 10a.(3) -10b 27 Iyar, 5784 – 6/5/24


Shkolim 10a.(3) -10b

Iyor 27, 5784. 06/05/2024

Short notes.

1- We continued on the topic of the opinion of Ren Yishmoel that the  עומר needed to come exclusively from ארץ ישראל. That would exclude סוריא as well.

The issue with סוריא; although it was captured by דוד המלך, it was not considered part of ארץ ישראל.

The Extent of David's Kingdom

In general, the area of a king’s conquest, (as opposed to a כיבוש יחיד) to add to the boundaries of  ארץ ישראל ,  is by default designated as ארץ ישראל proper. A מלך’s expansion is considered a כיבוש רבים and the result is a greater Israel.

We mentioned in the last shiur the different reasons given as to why סוריא didn’t achieve the status of proper ארץ ישראל.

A- סוריא was not considered a כיבוש רבים since the intention of דוד המלך was to capture this land mass for his own use. Rashi Brochos 36a, towards the bottom.

B – Elsewhere Rashi writes (Kidushin 39a, and also the Rambam מלכים ה:ו , ) that a כיבוש רבים with a מלך is only valid after all of ארץ ישראל that was given to בני ישראל is captured. A מלך needs first to gain control over all the land mass as per the boundaries delineated in פרשת מסעי.

2- The גמרא concludes with the roundabout way the גזבר would pay the שומרי ספיחים on Shmita.

Back of a security guard — Stock Photo © lsantilli #25360195

The first issue is that הקדש can be transferred only in exchange for a tangible item. Such as הקדש purchasing flour. When the flour is purchased the קדושה that is on the money is transferred to the flour and the money becomes חולין. With services, the money  needs to be transferred for labor, which is not tangible.

The second issue is that the wages for these שומרים was much more than the value of the עומר.  The גמרא suggests a way that solves both issues above.

We discussed the גמרא that says – economics 1.01- the value of an item is what ever a buyer needs and is willing to pay for it!

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3 – The next משנה continues itemizing what needs to be purchased with the מחצית השקל.

משנה: פָּרָה וְשָׂעִיר הַמִּשְׁתַּלֵּחַ וְלָשׁוֹן שֶׁל זְהוֹרִית בָּאִין מִתְּרוּמַת הַלִשְׁכָּה.

MISHNAH: The Red Heifer Cow, the Yom Kippur goat which is sent away, and the red wool strip come from the money disbursed from the Lishka

Eight Connections between the Red Heifer and Redemption | Read | Messiah Online | FFOZ

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4- Further on the גמרא  adds:

רִבִּי אָחָא רִבִּי תַנְחוּם בַּר חִייָה בְשֵׁם רִבִּי שִׂמְלַאי. מַגִּיהֵי סֵפֶר הֶעֲזָרָה נוֹטְלִין שְׂכָרָן מִתְּרוּמַת הַלִּשְׁכָּה.

Rebbi Acḥa, Rebbi Tanḥum bar Ḥiyya in the name of Rebbi Simlai: Those who correct the scroll of the Temple courtyard take their wages from the disbursement from the Lishka.


What is the ספר העזרה?

We referred back to a Covid era Shiur about the ספר העזרה.


See here for the (very cryptic) notes of that shiur.

We mentioned it yesterday because of the date, 28 of Iyor.

Here is the relevant part:

F- What happened to Ezra’s ספר תורה?

Torah - Wikiwand

Fascinating story of Reb Ovadia Bartenura. See below from the Chida’s שם הגדולים.

He relates that when he was in Egypt he heard that the ספר תורה of Ezra that was in a particular shul was removed by the Shamash who was bribed by an Arab. The Arab took it with him on a boat. Unfortunately, the boat sank…..

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On the other hand, the Chida continues, there is a different story printed in a footnote of a Chumash printed in Amsterdam. The story goes that the Rambam heard that this Chumash, written by Ezra himself, was at that time in Burgundy, France. He traveled there and copied it. The day he returned from Burgundy was the 28th of אייר, and he celebrated it every year.

So it seems that Ezra’s Torah survived until the time of the Rambam!

The Best Things to Do in Burgundy, France

However, the source of this story is from a book that was written by a very controversial individual.  רבי עזריה בן משה מן האדומים (דה לה רוסהבאיטלקית: Bonaiuto dei Rossi






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