Shiur Sukkah 56a – 9/26/23


Sukkah 56a

Tishrei 11, 5784. September 26, 2023

Some topics discussed.

1- Continue the topic of the משמרות.

The Gemara in תענית  identifies the משמר that was working the week of the חורבן.

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אמרו כשחרב בית המקדש בראשונה אותו היום ערב תשעה באב היה ומוצאי שבת היה ומוצאי שביעית היתה ומשמרתה של יהויריב היתה והלוים היו אומרי׳ שירה ועומדין על דוכנם ומה שירה היו אומרים {תהלים צ״ד:כ״ג} וישב עליהם את אונם וברעתם יצמיתם ולא הספיקו לומר יצמיתם ה׳ אלהינו עד שבאו נכרים וכבשום וכן


2 – The allocation of the עבודה year round and on the שלש רגלים.

  • All year it was one משמר per week exclusively.
  • The basic rule is that all עבודות that were added because of the particular Yom Tov (מוספין) were divided by a גורל to all כהנים.
  • As to the regular עבודות, not specific to יום טוב, the current משמר had the exclusive.
  • During Peasch and Shvu’os all Kohanim entered a lottery to participate in the קרבנות החג. .
  • On Sukkos, as per the previous משנה , it was divided more or less equally, to all 24 משמרות.

משמרות כהונה מה זה

3 – The uniqueness of the  לחם הפנים that was baked on Friday, placed on the שולחן on Shabbos and consumed the following שבת.

לחם הפנים

Despite it being a weekly occurrence and not directly associated with Yom Tov, it was nevertheless allocated to all כהנים that came to the בית המקדש on Yom Tov.

4- Discussed if there is an עבודה associated with the לחם הפנים? The baking? The placing it on the שולחן?

No photo description available.

From Rashi it seems that it is indeed an עבודה but not from the שבת that it was eaten but rather from the prior week.

5- We jumped ahead and discussed the story of the next and final Daf of Sukkah with Miryam bas Bilgah.

Every Lubavitcher is familiar with the famous Sicha of the Rebbe concerning the cry of the girl ‘Lukas Lukas’.

Why does the Talmud tell us this strange story? - YouTube

See here. Other links here.

As we shall see IY”H when we finish Sukkah, there is another story as to why the משמר of Bilgah was punished.

So what about when a team member is always late? - Brendan Prout

They always came late! On the Shabbos of their משמר, they would arrive after the scheduled time for the ‘changing of the משמר  guard’ showing a disrespect for the עבודה.

קראצערס or procrastinators

6- We began the סוגיא of the ברכות we say Sukkos night. לישב בסוכה ושהחיינו.

Which is said first?

7- We repeated what we discussed at the beginning of Sukkah 3a about women saying Gut Shabbos to their husbands when they come back from Shul. This allows them to be יוצא  Kiddush since, saying Gut Shabbos, they are also on a דרבנן level similar to their husbands.

Gut-shabbos GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Gut Shabbos and Gut Yom Tov to all.

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