Shiur Sukkah 54a – 8/22/23


 Suka 54a

Elul 5, 5783. August 22, 2023

1- Shiur was on the line in our Mishna that  ‘48 is the maximum number of תקיעות’ there were sounded on one day in the בית המקדש.

Rosh Hashana 2 - Temple Institute

That occurred once a year on a Friday חול המועד Sukos.


Opening the gates 3
Morning Tomid 9
Evening Tomid 9
Musaf Sukkos 9
Friday afternoon – stop working 6
 Water – Upper gate 3
Water – Lower gate 3
Entering w/ the water 3
Arovos/ Mizbe’ach 3
Total 48


2- The גמרא discusses the possibility of reaching a number above 48.

Gold Number 48 Isolated On White Background Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 118719995.

We went over a chart of the various days where the number of 48 can perhaps be exceeded.


Daily W/ Musaf Friday Friday Chol Hamoed Sukkos Reb Acha Reb Zeira’s Rovo’s question Rovo’s
Reb Eliezer 53b Mishna 48a Shabbos answer Shabbos Yom Tov answer if Shabbos
1 פתיחת שערים Opening the gates 3 3 3 3 3 3 Shabbos Shabbos 3
2 תמיד של שחר Morning Tomid 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
3 תמיד בין הערבים Evening Tomid 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
4 מוסף Musaf 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
5 מוסף שבת Musaf Shabbos 9 9 9 9
6 מוסף ר״ה Musaf Rosh Hashana
7 ערב שבת Friday afternoon 6 6 6
8 שער העליון Upper gate 3 3 3 3 3 0
9 מעלה עשירית 10th step 3 3 3 0
10 שער התחתון Lower gate 3 3 3 3 3 0
11 מילוי המים Entering w/ the water 3 3 3 3 3 0
12 ערבה ע״ג המזבח Arovos/ Mizbe’ach 3 3 0
13 הלל Hallel
21 30 27 48 48 51 48 48 39

To be continued next week.

3- We mentioned Reb Yosef Engel’s question. At the beginning of every month, upon announcing that ‘today is ראש חודש’, a תקיעה was blown.

So why does the גמרא not take into account the  תקיעה on ראש השנה which was sounded due to fact that it is also ראש חודש!

Shofar - The Horn Blown on Rosh Hashanah -

4- Discussed briefly the הלכה if one is Davening שמונה עשרה of מנחה  while the ציבור is Davening שמונה עשרה of  מעריב.  Or Shacharis while the מנין is up to מוסף.

770 Gabboim Enforce Order

Is that considered תפילה בציבור?

Definitely not says the Alter Rebbe here. OC 90, 10

ואם מתפלל מוסף בשעה שהצבור מתפללין שחרית או להיפך אינו נקרא בשעה שהצבור מתפללין

See also מגן אברהם and ט”ז. Here. OC 236

To be continued.


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