Spontaneous Generation notes:
Tiferes Yisrole refers to Link (the Link is a link, but that is also his name) (Urwelt, page 327 – http://books.google.com/books?id=gjUCAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
However, Slifkin, (overview) and others, notably among many, Sid (Schneir) Z. Leiman, Professor of Jewish History and Literature in Brooklyn College and at YU posits in his book Hazon Nahum that the Tiferes Yisrael misunderstood Link and all subsequent commentators (including our own Margaliyos Hayam) accepted that error, in error.
As for the Rambam, according to R”Y Kapach, he did not think/believe it actually existed.