Sukkah 13b
8 Kislev, 5781. November 24, 2020
A few brief notes.
1- The Gemara discusses using thin leaves or vegetables for סכך. The issue is that they become brittle and will crumble.
We mentioned that one example the Gemara gives is מרור. If horseradish is מרור how does horseradish root become brittle?
2- We discussed the problem of snow or ice. It cannot be used as סכך since it does not grow from the ground. What about if snow or ice cover the סכך?
Story of the Alter Rebbe.
שערי תשובה ובאר היטב say it’s ok since, like the brittle leaves, the snow will melt!
3- The next part of our Gemara discusses a Mishna in עוקצין. We discussed the ideas of ידות and שומר.
We began with the story at the end of הוריות with Reb Meir and Reb Noson’s attempt to replace Rabban Gamliel who was the נשיא.
To be continued…
רבי מאיר אחרים. לקו”ש חי”ב. הדרן בכורות.
Here is the Kuntres by R’ Meir (!) Elituv אליטוב on the answer of the Rebbe regarding R’ Meir/Acheirim: