Suka 12b
Mar-Cheshvan 17, 5781. November 3rd, 2020
Some brief notes.
1- We continued the topic of the production of flax/linen and how it reflects in הלכה in using flax as סכך.
See here from the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch for the bottom line. 629, 5.
2- We spoke about hemp, a plant similar to flax, from which fibers were historically extracted. The fibers were used to produce fabric and rope. The hemp’s leaves and flowers was/is used as a nutrient and the for the production of cannabis. See here. The fruit is eaten – Flax seeds.
3- The Gemara in Zevachim, 18b, says that the material mentioned in the Chumash – כתונת בד קודש ילבש means flax.
Why? Because בד means singular, and the only plant that has a single stem growing from one seed is flax.
Now, the hemp plant also produces a single stem from each seed. That would mean that hemp, or canvas, is considered flax. Hence, it would be forbidden to be used together with wool. שעטנז.
But the Mishna says that ‘canvas’ is not considered flax and can indeed be mixed with wool.
More on this bl”n next week.
4- It was election day in the USA so we spoke about the phenomenon of the eternal optimism of the Jew. Perhaps due to non-stop oppression and persecution a Jew was a natural to become a believer, clinger and proponent of movements that promised freedom in general, and freedom to practice Yiddishkeit in particular. These new movement’s strongest ‘chassidim’ were Jews being duped that the paradise promised will bring peace and tranquility.
Unfortunately, these very movements, in a very short period of time from their formation, turned out to be nothing more than antisemitism redressed in a cloak of ‘social justice’ ‘equality for all’, etc.
5- We presented a copy of the אוצר דינים ומנהגים published first in 1917.
This ספר was printed right after the Russian revolution and the world believed that a new era of freedom was forming in Russia. The Jew, having suffered the open antisemitism of the czars, immediately joined the ranks of the communists. The rest is history. The guns of the communist were turned onto the Jew and of course did not spare the die hard Jewish communists as well.
We as Lubavitchers know first hand what atrocities these liberal minded Jews brought upon their fellow brethren. The cruelty of the Yevsektzia is well documented, but in general Jews know very little about these ‘enlightened’ individuals that caused imprisonment and murder of countless Chassidim and basically obliterated Yidishkeit from the millions of Russian Jews.
Tragically, early Zionist considered Russia as their ‘second homeland’ and mourned Stalin YMS when he died! See here. Here.
The prolific author, Rabbi Yehuda Dovid Eizenstein, dedicated his book to ‘the New Russia’. Interesting to note that he was born in Mezritch!
Here are some pictures from the book:
אוצר דינים ומנהגים – Nov 3 2020 – 9-20 PM (1)
More about Rabbi Yehuda D. Eizenstein in this article
Little did he know at the time that neither freedom and liberty nor equality would be the result of this ‘New Russia’ experiment.
When the book was reprinted in 1938 this dedication was obviously removed.
אוצר דינים ומנהגים – Nov 3 2020 – 9-20 PM (1)
P. S. See here an interesting mention in 1930, in the Jewish Daily Bulletin: