Sukos 5781, October 6, 2020
In Mendy Simon’s Sukkah.
“דא וואקסט עבודה זרה”
חזון איש
1- We spoke about the famous statue that is at the center of the symbol of academia. The Statue of the Three Lies. Here.
2- We briefly went through the history of the Agudas Yisroel.
The Rebbe Rashab’s initial support and his subsequent withdrawal. His efforts to sway Reb Chaim of Brisk to do likewise.
Rabbi Solomon Breuer
3- The leadership eventually shifted to the Gerrer Rebbe. His spokesman at the Aguda was Reb Menachem Zemba.
Imrei Emes
4- We went through the history of Reb Menachem. Although he never held any position as Rov or Rosh Yeshiva he was considered of the great Torah mind of his generation.
His meeting with the Rogatchover.
His most tragic end during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Was he for the revolt? His lost writings. The relocation of his ארון to Israel in 1958 by his nephews his nephews Rabbi Avraham and Rabbi Yitzchok Meir Ziemba.
R’ Menachem Ziemba HY”D
5- His saying on the verse יקרה היא מפנינים. Torah is more valuable than pearls of precious stones. Unlike gold where the value of 10 kilos of gold is the same, per kilo, as 1 kilo, pearls and precious stones the unit price increases with the size. A 2 carat stone is more valuable per carat than a one carat stone.
Torah, Reb Menachem used to say, is very similar. Two people that study גמרא- one learns 200 Dapim the other just 100. The 200 page fellow does not just have ‘double the knowledge. ’ He who knows 200 Dapim of גמרא is in a totally different league than one who knows only 100 Dapim.
6- We discussed the famous ‘dirty trick’ of Israeli politics. Hebrew – התרגיל המסריח. The Chabad involvement.
אליעזר מזרחי
7- We finished with a parallel (perhaps) of the Rebbe Rashab’s reluctance to join the Aguda and the Rebbe’s instructions to his Chassidim that after Gimmel Tamuz everything should be decided by the local Chabad Beis Din.
The Rebbe Rashab’s reasoning for not joining the Aguda was their refusal to commit that the all committees of the organization needed to be headed by Rabbanim that are fully committed to Yiddishkeit without compromise.
See here. This reference is to Sicha only.
Gut Yom Tov.
סוכות תשפ”א.
רבי מנחם זעמבא הי”ד. רמ”ג 1883 – יט ניסן תד”ש. למד מעל לחנות הפלדה של חותנו.
תורה מפנינים. סחורות מה שיותר נפח נמכר בזול יותר. משא”כ פנינים. ועד”ז תורה. אינו דומה מי שיודע מאה דפים למאתיים. כמו פנינים.
אור שמח. הרגצובי. תירוץ אחרי כמה שנים.
דיון על המרד.
אגודת ישראל –
קטוביץ סיון תרע”ב 1912. אג”ק שלה.
כמה אישים חב”דיים היו חברים בגופים רשמיים של אגודת ישראל ומהם: הרב חיים מרדכי אייזיק חודקוב, הרב מרדכי דובין, הרב אברהם חיים נאה, הרב אליעזר מזרחי.
תרפ”ג וינה. הראשונה 1923
שלישית – מארינבאד תרצ”ז.
רמ”ז. ה’ הוא הא’. שבע פעמים. בשם ומלכות.