Makos 11b (3) Shiur 12/30/2014

Makos 11b (3)

Thanks to Eli Chitrik

1- Our Gemara on 11b notes that the Shogeg exile would need to wait until the death of the Kohen Godol in order for him to leave the Orei Miklot.

Now if the poor Shogeg fellow passes away before the Kohen Gadol he is buried there until the Kohen Gadol dies and only then are his remains moved to his family plot in his city of origin.

There are stories making the rounds about the encounter of the Rebbe with Reb Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg.

Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg,

the Seridei Aish

Background: When the Rebbe arrived in Berlin in December of 1928 – Tevev 5686 he visited the Berlin Rabbinical Seminary that was under the direction of Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer.

The dean at the time was Reb Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg who was a prolific author. Reb Yechiel survived the war and settled for the rest of his life in Montreux, Switzerland.

See here.

We previously discussed the story of the Ragatchover’s daughter and the chalitza from the apostate (see ​here Shiur 10/28/14) – this story was with this Reb Yechiel!  

The Seminary issued a letter certifying that the Rebbe has been accepted as a visiting student. If Rabbi Weinberg gave the Rebbe an actual ‘Smicha’ is an unresolved historical tidbit.

Please see here

In short, Reb Yechiel gave the Rebbe one of his pamphlets (Kuntres Pinui Atzomos Maysim) that dealt with the Halochos in regard to  moving Jewish remains to another cemetery. One of the issues discussed there is that by moving a grave to a different location is embarrassing to the remaining people that remain buried there.

The Rebbe compiled a group of notes and comments that were found in the Rebbe’s room and printed in the Reshimos series, # 127.

For example one the proofs quoted by Reb Yichiel permitting the relocation of a grave is from the fact that the remains of Yosef Hatzadik were removed from Mitzrayim at the times of the Exodus by no less that Moshe Rebeinu himself!

The Rebbe writes that the Posuk at the end of Vayechi (Chazak) states that Yosef was interned in Mitzrayim. Perhaps it means to emphasize that it was in Mitzrayim proper as opposed to the land of Goshen where the Jews resided. Thus the removal of Yosef was not from a Jewish cemetery thus not causing any embarrassment to the remaining ‘tenants’……

Additionally, Chazal tell us that Yosef’s casket was sunk in the Nile and not in a cemetery.

Now to our Gemara – Can one bring proof allowing the relocation of a grave from the fact that, as mentioned above, the Shogeg who was buried in the Orei Miklot is eventually (upon the passing of a Kohen Gadol) relocated to his ancestral plot?

The Rebbe writes that since the burial of the Shogeg is to begin with only a temporary ‘kevurah’, then one cannot bring this as proof to allow the move a grave of someone that was interred without a conditional stipulation.

2- We related 3 stories of the great Tzadik Reb Yisroel of Vilednik. His Yortzeit is this month on the 21st of Teves.


1- Kol Ha/meharer Acherei Rabo

2- Ve’ilein Mily’hu and his brocho for a boy:

V’ilein milaya,- and these  silk

y’hon lir’ki-aya – should be over it as heaven

v’saman, man sharya?  within, who will rest?

halo hahu shimsha. Why it is that boy!

3- Reb Hillel of Paritcher’s take on him.


See here.!msg/beermayimchaim/RdRqOtquriY/_2P3yU19ARQJ





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