Sukkah 7a. Tamuz 22, 5780. July 14, 2020
A- We continued the topic of the ‘one טפח’ that needs to be added to the two or three walls to create a kosher סוכה.
There are 4 explanations as to where and how this טפח needs to be placed.
1- Rav- at the edge of the wall. At a 90° angle.
乚⇠ טפח
2- Rav Kahana and Rav Asi – at the edge of the wall but at an angle tuned into the סוכה.
3- Reb Yehoshua ben Levi –
4- Rava- The wall to the right needs to be a צורת הפתח.
צורת הפתח
B- We discussed the expression the Gemara uses as to Rav’s (#1) reaction when he heard the opinion of Rav Kahana and Rav Asi (#2).
“He was silent’.
We discussed the meaning of this several years ago
From Shiur Beitza 6a
“We read the text of a note the Rebbe wrote and printed in a few Ma’amorim. The Rebbe Rashab and the Freidiker Rebbe explain that occasionally one comprehends something with clarity and conviction. It is as if he ‘sees the concept’.
And yet, despite being convinced of its truth, he cannot explain it.
His ability to rationalize his understanding to others is not yet developed. ‘Chochma that has not descended to Bina’.
As an example they quote our Gemara where Rav simply did not answer the question posed on his opinion.”
See there for the continuation.