Suka 6a (2)
1– We continued the Sugya of Shiurim.
From the seven word in the Pasuk כִּי ה’ אֱלֹהֶיךָ, מְבִיאֲךָ אֶל-אֶרֶץ טוֹבָה: אֶרֶץ, נַחֲלֵי מָיִם–עֲיָנֹת וּתְהֹמֹת, יֹצְאִים בַּבִּקְעָה וּבָהָר. אֶרֶץ חִטָּה וּשְׂעֹרָה, וְגֶפֶן וּתְאֵנָה וְרִמּוֹן; אֶרֶץ-זֵית שֶׁמֶן, וּדְבָשׁ. We derive 7 שיעורים .
Last week we covered חִטָּה וּשְׂעֹרָה.
2– גֶפֶן. From this we know that the שיעור for wine, grapes, grape skins, pits and grape leaves tht is prohibited to a נזיר is a רביעית.
We discussed the perplexing question as to why our Gemara does not say that all prohibited liquids are the שיעור of a רביעית.
So far we found two people that discuss this issue. The גולת עליות, written by הרב דובער ב”ר שמעון ליפשיץ מווייעטקע בספרו גולת עליות על מס’ מקואות ווארשא, תרמ”ו
He was a grandson the Reb מרדכי, the Alter Rebbe’s brother.
This interesting ספר is a fundamental explanation on Mishnayos מקוואות. We mentioned him a few times when studying מקוואות. He quotes numerous times the Alter Rebbe and צמח צדק. See here footnote 33.
The other one is the אבן האזל.
3– רמון . We will discuss this bl”n next week as it pertains to מקוואות.
4– חציצה
As the Gemara phrases it, there are 3 types of חציצות.
1- One that:
a- covers the majority of the body, and
b- one cares to remove it. רובו ומקפיד.
Such as a painter that has most of his body covered with paint but he does not appear in public until he removes the paint.
Such a חציצה is prohibited מן התורה.
2- Only one of the above. (Not both):
a- covers the majority of the body and b- one does not care to remove it.
Such as a mechanic that is almost totally covered in grease but he does not clean himself since it will get dirty again tomorrow…. רובו ואינו מקפיד .
a- covers only part of his body and b- he does care to remove it.
Such as a bit of nail polish on a finger. Small part of the body is covered but no one walks around without removing it. מיעוטו ומקפיד.
Such a חציצה is prohibited only מדרבנן.
3- Only part of his body is covered and one is not particular to remove it.
Like a pen mark on a man’s hand. מיעוטו ואינו מקפיד.
Such a חציצה is מותר מדרבנן.
Nevertheless the מנהג is not to use the מקוה even in such a case.
6- We discussed the question asked to Reb Chaim and his answer.
In case 2a above:
a- covers the majority of the body and b- one does not care to remove it.
We say that it is כשר מן התורה but not a good טבילה מדרבנן
Once the חכמים prohibited to have any חציצה , meaning that even a bit of nail polish is prohibited, that would automatically cause the person to be מקפיד!
Therefore it would be like case 1 above: רובו ומקפיד. And in invalid טבילה מן התורה.