Beitzah 30b (3)
1- We continued the topic of מוקצה מחמת מצוה, ‘Muktza because of a Mitzvah’.
Once the Mitzvah begins it “locks” as Muktza and its status cannot be changed until the end of Yom Tov.
Such as with a Sukkah. As per last weeks shiur, at the start of Yom Tov the Sukkah becomes ‘Muktzah of a Mitzvah’ and one can’t use the walls, the סכך or the נוי סוכה for personal use.
Additionally, one cannot make a תנאי for the Muktzah to disappear on the סכך or the walls.
נוי סוכה on the other hand, while being in the category of ‘Muktza because of a Mitzvah’ one can indeed make a condition before the start of Yom Tov that he will remove the נוי סוכה and use it for his personal use.
2- The Gemara now explains the unique law concerning an Esrog. When one has 7 Esrogim with plans to use one each day of Sukkos he may indeed bentch on the particular Esrog and then eat it! (According to Rav or wait until the next day to eat it according to Rav Asi).
So a condition does seem to work on the Esrog and the issue here is why is the Esrog different than the Suka.
The Gemara’s reasoning is that as opposed to the Sukkah which is a continuous Mitzvah for the entire 7 days and nights of the Yom Tov, an Esrog’s Mitzva is only during the day. Thus the nights separate the Mitzvah. So the ‘Muktza because of a Mitzvah’ never locks in for the full seven days fi one makes a תנאי.
3- Gemara then states that all the above, Sukkah, schach and noy Suka are prohibited until after Simchas Torah.
So cutting a piece off the Esrog to mix it into the Mashke during Hakofos is not a good idea…..
Tosfos says that if Shabbos follows Simchas Torah the Muktzah stretches until after Shabbos. We discussed the reason behind this.
4- Mentioned what some achronim write that one should only hang noy Suka using items that one would display in his home. Items that are not suitable, dignified and respectful to place in a home should not be placed in a Suka.
5- Mentioned the ראשית חכמה Kedusha 15 that one should not talk דברים בטלים in the Sukkah.
How does that jive with תשבו כעיו תדורו?
He explains that the קדושה of the Sukkah makes it holier that a house! The proof is from the fact that the Sukkah has the same קדושה as a Korban which is the reason it becomes ‘Muktza because of a Mitzvah’.
6- The next Mishna discusses the collecting of firewood for Yom Tov cooking and or heating.
Only wood that has been prepared prior to Yom Tov can be used. So loose branches in one’s yard or field are not ‘prepared’ before Yom Tov and therefore unusable.
The Mishna and following Gemara discuss the various types of ‘fields’ ‘farms’ and ‘yards’ that collecting firewood from there is OK.
Interestingly, it does not say as to why should not all firewood be allowed to be collected.
A- Rashi and Tosfos – the issues is Muktza. If it is not in a safe location around his house then presumably he did not rely on this wood and therefore Muktza.
B- The Ro”h and the Ra”n say that muktza is not an issue as this Mishna follows the opinion of Reb Shimon.
The problem is the מלאכה of מעמר – the prohibition to collect fruits, vegetables, grass, twigs, and the like.
Consolidating things which grew from the ground (such as dates) into one mass is also biblically forbidden because of Me’amer even when done indoors.
Since it is Yom Tov then one would conceivably be permitted to do מעמר for the purpose of preparing food just as cooking is permitted.
So why are there guidelines as to what firewood can be collected?
The reason is that if one collects wood that is strewn about and/or not safe it seems that he is collecting wood for more than the actual days of this Yom Tov. It appears that he is pilling wood for future use and therefore אסור מדרבנן.
Such is also the opinion of the Alter Rebbe.
More next week.