Shiur 01/30/18 – Beitza 30b

Beitza 30b

1- The next Mishnah talks about the removing wood from a Suka on Yom Tov.

Image result for temporary hut

“One may not remove wood from the Sukkah, but wood that is close to the Suka is permitted”.  

From the Mishna itself it is unclear if it is referring to:

1- A Sukkah on Sukos or a Sukkah on another Yom Tov.

2- The סכך or the walls.

3- What means ‘from’ and ‘close’.

The Gemara continues to explain the distinction between the permitted case and the prohibited case.

2- We discussed the opinions of Reb Yehudah who prohibits Muktzah on Shabbos and Yom Tov and Reb Shimon that permits it.

Now,  even according to Reb Shimon there are instances that he too would prohibit Muktzah. Such as when the person intentionally does something that shows his total dissociation with using this object for the upcoming Shabbos or Yom Tov.

Example: The process of drying fruit. A few days after putting away fruit to dry the fruits begin to decompose and are thus inedible. So if a person decides on Shabbos and Yom Tov to go into this compost pile to see if  perhaps there is a fruit that is still edible,  that would be prohibited even according to Reb Shimon.

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We suggested a gauge where on one side would be the items where Muktzah applies according to all opinions, in the middle  where only Reb Yehuda would prohibit it and on the other side the leniency of Reb Shimon permitting Muktzah.

3- The classic example of Reb Shimon and Reb Yehuda’s opinion is the case where one fills a cup or candle holder with oil for only, say, 12 hours, and ignites it before Shabbos. At the moment of the start of Shabbos this burning candle it is definitely Muktzah at that time.

Image result for defining moment

According to Reb Yehuda, this moment ‘locks’ and remains that way even after the candle extinguishes.

Conversely, Reb Shimon’s opinion is that while the candle is burning, then of course one may not touch it.  But once extinguished, it becomes permissible to touch and move. There is no ‘lock’ concept to prohibit it after this period expires.

[If one fills the cup with oil for 24 hours and it unexpectedly extinguishes even Reb Shimon would consider this candle Muktzah]  

4- Can one make a condition, according to Reb Yehuda, that when extinguished he will use the leftover oil?

We will discuss this next week IY”H.

5- We mentioned something semi humorously.

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There is a malady called ‘cellulitis’. (Thank you Dr. Malachovski).

In Yiddish it’s called a ‘Roiz’. רויז.

In Hebrew – שושנה.

Today this infection is treated with antibiotics.

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In the not so distant past, each Jewish community would have a local ‘doctor’ that would “opshrech’ this sickness. This voodoo treatment was secret and would be handed down from mouth to mouth.

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I heard that in Crown Heights it was a certain Rov that would be visited for ‘treatment’. Rumour has it that some writing with a quill would be done on the swollen area…..

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In some Seforim one finds another cure. The smearing of the leftover oil from the  Chanukah מנורה.

Image result for leftover oil in menorah

 חנוכה oil?!

What is the basis of this cure?

Well. one of the popular Chanukah songs contain the words:

ומנותר קנקנים נעשה נס לשושנים

Literally translated as:

From the bit of leftover oil (found in the Beis Hamikdash) a miracle occurred to the Jews (who are likened to a שושנה – a rose).

illustration found in a Machzor (Worms, Germany) ca. 1280

Taken a step further, since this infection is called a Roiz, and a Roiz is also a rose שושנה … it follows that by smearing the leftover Chanukah oil on a Roiz- שושנה, a miracle will happen and the healing will occur.

So far so good.

Now, the oil of the מנורה has some sanctity to it and one is prohibited from using it for other purposes. Only when it extinguishes can one use the balance.

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So the question here too is what happens if one pours oil to last an hour and makes a condition that if it extinguishes before the hour has passed he will use the leftover oil for a salad mix or to cure a Roiz………




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