Beitza 30a
1- We continued learning the Gemara about certain types of work permitted on Yom Tov that need to be done with a slight change.
2- A question is raised as to why no directive was issued to the women who shlep the water from the river or well to do it differently on Yom Tom.
3- We mentioned the Jewish traveler of the 18th century Reb Yakov Sapir. His story with the ‘demons’ puncturing holes in the water jugs in Yemen and his solution.
מוטב שיהיו שוגגין ואל יהיו מזידין
4- We began the sugya of “not advising people who are transgressing to stop if they are unaware of the sin they are transgressing and will not listen anyway”. More on this next week.
5- The Gemara quotes the Mishna that prohibits the dancing and clapping on Shabbos and Yom Tov.
This is an interesting topic since it states quite clearly in the Mishna, Gemara, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch, Alter Rebbe’s as well that one should not dance to clap on Shabbos and Yom Tov.
אין מטפחין ואין מספקין ואין מרקדין,
We learned the Tosfos that finds a ‘heter’, – because “today” we do not know how to repair instruments so therefore it is not the decree does not apply – but, as above that is not the Halacha.
Indeed, in regards to not clapping, that was also the minhag Chabad,
It was only from when the Rebbe spoke about this and justified the clapping. He mentioned the Munkatcher’s reasoning as to why it is permitted.
We studied the text of the Tur:
Next week the
מנחת אלעזר על מטפחין ורוקדים בשויו”ט.